
Ability to Reach the masses At A Click Of A Button

The power of online marketing amazes me. The ability to reach the masses upon a click of a button should really bring home the fact to you that the internet has massive power for your business. The trick is how do we leverage it for our own use?. Things like Twitter didnt even exist 2 years ago. Now its one of the most popular websites online. Things change so rapidly in the online world. There was no videos online up to 3 years ago and now video marketing is the most predominant type of marketing online nowadays.If you dont keep up with all these trends online , you are going to be left behind. Bill Gates said recently that if your business is not online shortly, your business will be out of business. Where else can you build a database of prospects and with one email, create relationships with all that list?. That is so powerful for your business as you are using the internet as Leverage ( i.e, it is doing alot of the work for you). Top Internet marketers online have up to one million subscribers on their mailing lists. Now if that list is responsive and highly targeted, one e-mail for the launch of a product or affiliate program could easily net the list owner one hundred thousand or more dollars. All from one email.So since now I should have your attention, what do you do next. Its straight forward. The power of online marketing lies in your e-mail list, period. Whatever niche or market you are in, your sole focus should be to build a massive targeted list within that market. Then you need to build a relationship with that list by giving as much value as you possibly can. Nail art When you "move the free line", things start to happen in your business as your prospects slowly but surely will drop their guard and buy from you when they are ready . Its all about attraction marketing. You attract your prospects to you by giving away as much value as you can to them.So now you might be asking, how does one build a list. Well nowadays online , the avenues are endless as there are so many ways you can market online. If your budget is low but you have time on your hands, you could start off with some free methods such as article marketing or video marketing. Also you could begin marketing on twitter and facebook which are free social media sites. If you want results quicker and you want to build your list faster, you could try some paid options such as pay per click marketing, ezine (solo add) marketing or banner Iphone 4s Expand Keyboard advertising on high traffic websites. Whichever way you want to go, there is an option there for you.To begin learning how to market online and build a massive e-mail opt in list, my recommendation is below.

