
Do Tom Ford Ads Go Too Far Wholesale

Tom Ford has taken serious heat over the years for their risky advertising strategies that mix nudity with Rhinestones fashion. While this concept isn’t new (Abercrombie has been doing it forever) it was taken to a whole new level by Tom Ford when they did a series of photo and video ads with same-gendered couples in the midst of passionate acts. Meanwhile, excesses of male nudity seem to make Nail Tips people more uncomfortable than seeing nearly nude female models. Call these double standards if you like, but Tom Ford continues to support this risky ad strategy as in the very least, it is causing a buzz, and as we all know—that’s free press!Several of the ads feature entirely nude women or men in Tom Ford eyewear and other accessories. Meanwhile, one commercial that aired in 2009 depicted a man and women at their own separate apartments getting ready for a night no the town. They rush towards each other in downtown Wholesale Iphone 4s Expand Keyboard New York only the viewer is shocked when the man and woman run right past each other and into an embrace with a person of their own gender. This caused waves as two women kissing while two men made out in the background was a lot to handle for some people without any warning. Meanwhile, Tom Ford, who is himself homosexual, defends the ads as no different than heterosexual relationships used by companies to promote their products.So did the ads go too far? Who cares, we love the drama and we still love Tom Ford’s creative and fresh new eyewear designs. We’re happy when they advertise, and we’re happy when they get free coverage in the press. We’re even happier it’s a bit fun to look at in addition to selling eyewear.

